This Ministry is composed of volunteer-parishioners who are commissioned to assist the Priests in
distributing Holy Communion to the faithful. They are also given the task of visiting and giving
communion to sick in the hospitals and those who are homebound.
If you would like more information regarding this ministry please contact person Jo Mosella at 845-623-2138 ext 6.
Membership guidelines:
1) The members must be registered parishioners of St. Anthony.
2) Members must undergo formal training before they are commissioned to assist in the Liturgy.
3) They must have all received the Sacraments (baptism, confirmation, if married they should be married in the Church. They must regularly avail of the Sacrament of Confession and receive the holy Eucharist.
4) They should be faithful their assigned duty. And as part of their commitment, they are expected to attend the annual Advent Day of Prayer and the Annual Lenten Recollection
This Ministry is composed of volunteer-parishioners who are commissioned to proclaim the Word of God in liturgical celebrations.
If you would like more information regarding this ministry please contact person Jo Mosella at 845-623-2138 ext 6.
Membership guidelines:
1) The members must be registered parishioners of St. Anthony.
2) Members must undergo formal training before they are commissioned to assist in the Liturgy.
3) They must have all received the Sacraments (baptism, confirmation, if married they should be married in the Church. They must regularly avail of the Sacrament of Confession and receive the holy Eucharist.
4) They should be faithful their assigned duty. And as part of their commitment, they are expected to attend the annual Advent Day of Prayer and the Annual Lenten Recollection
This Ministry is composed of volunteer-parishioners who are commissioned to welcome parishioners as they come for worship and celebration in the parish Church. Part of their task is to make sure that proper order is observed during the celebration of the Liturgy. They are also tasked in the collection of the financial offerings of the faithful.
If you would like more information regarding this ministry please contact Dr. Ronald Cobbs at 845-639-4087 or email [email protected] / [email protected]
Membership guidelines:
1) The members must be registered parishioners of St. Anthony.
2) Members must undergo formal training before they are commissioned to assist in the Liturgy.
3) They must have all received the Sacraments (baptism, confirmation, if married they should be married in the Church. They must regularly avail of the Sacrament of Confession and receive the holy Eucharist.
4) They should be faithful their assigned duty. And as part of their commitment, they are expected to attend the annual Advent Day of Prayer and the Annual Lenten Recollection
We want to invite all children from Kindergarten through Fifth grade to the Liturgy of the Word offered every Sunday at the Parish Church for the 10:15 am Mass during the months of August & September 2022. The children follow the liturgist from the Church in a group to the Shrine Church Hall. Individual teachers assist the children in understanding the Scripture reading using crafts and music. As the Offertory of the Mass begins, the children return to Church in a group and rejoin their families to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist. St Anthony PREP coordinates the efforts of the teacher and provides the leadership that makes the program successful. If you are interested in this ministry please contact St. Anthony's PREP via email [email protected].