Beginning on July 31, 2022, St. Anthony’s Shrine and Parish Churches will begin burning the Sanctuary Candle in memory of a loved one; either living or deceased for one week periods (Sunday –Saturday). Names of your loved one will be listed in our weekly bulletin. To book a Sanctuary Candle burning on or after Sunday, July 31, 2022 please stop into the Rectory Office starting on July 11th Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm (Customary offering is $20.00).
WeShare, our online giving provider, will be upgraded later this month. When you login, using your current email address and password, you will see the new landing page. Improvements to the platform include: Ability to donate to multiple collections at once, Improved process of updating your payment source information, Ability for more detailed receipts, Ability to upload documents, Easier Account Creation, Simplified-Robust Event Registration Options. Any questions please call WeShare at 1-877-316-0260 option 1, then option 2 for donor support.